Monday, November 21, 2011

Wand from Harry Potter Step-by-step!

Here is a step-by-step instruction of how to make a wand that could easily be in one of the Harry Potter movies and wouldn't be out of place!
First, figure out whose wand you're going for, I am going to make Hermione's.
Second, find the base of your wand. Rolled up paper, carved wood, a wooden dowel, drumstick, or the cardboard stick thingy from a metal hanger would all be suitable for this. Keep in mind that the paper ones are easy to make but bend really easily. Okay, I am going to make mine from the cardboard stick.
Next, if you want you can add a core for the wand- phoenix feather (Mine), unicorn hair, etc. This only works for the cardboard, paper, or the wood if you drill a tiny deep hole into it. Just stuff the core inside!

So now you need to carve the end of the wand to make it smaller on one side, if necessary. I don't have a picture of this but just take any knife or scissors and carve carve carve away!!!

Then, you fill each end with hot glue to stop it up, make it heavy, and more durable!!
Ok, now you need to do your design with the hot glue. Look up pictures on the internet for tips and ideas about how to do this. It's really simple but it's kind of hard to do small designs like on Hermione's wand. My leaves did not end up looking like leaves at all! Oh well, it's a learning experience! :)

Oh and this was before i carved  the end of it, I kind of forgot about that step when making it. And I ended up adding more glue towards the tip as shown in the next pic:

I think it turned out to look pretty good! So just add a couple layer of paint, mine only needed 2 coats. And for added effect you can do more then one color, one for the main part and one for the designs, and also to make it shinier- put a coat of mod podge!!!
Now go make a wand and spread the Harry Potter spirit!! :)

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